Friday, October 31, 2008

Sonia Nozario

1. Sonia Nazario said that a parent, mother usually she said, cross the

borders in order to support and feed their children. However, they spend

years away from their children, and their children resent them or feel

abandoned because their mothers’ said she would be back in a few years

and those have arrived and past. Many of the children take the dangerous

journey to America to locate their mother. Many end up with severed

limbs cause by the train wheels. Some do not survive the voyage and now

their mother doesn’t know where they are.

2. There are many negative effects experience from migrating to the

United States from Central America and Mexico. One of the effects starts

at the beginning of the journey. In many cases migrants have lose a limb

from trying to board the train while they are in motion.. Then they are

attacked while on top of the train. A positive effect of migrating to the

United States from Central America and Mexico is that mothers can buy

food, clothes and be able to send their children to school.
3. As Nazario said during her speech, if the government changed their
international policies. For example, as Nazario stated they could help by
creating jobs in other countries. If they had jobs in their home countries
they wouldn’t have need to come across the border to support their
family. Another is find a middle ground between the government and the
residents of the country to help each other and to avoid a confrontation
between the people and the government officials

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Brian Fagan

1. According to Brian Fagan, there is evidence of in the trees. So people who study trees can compare today’s tree ring with those of the Medieval Warming. If the tree rings of today’s trees resemble the same pattern of the Medieval Warming trees, then dendrologist can alert high powered official and they can prepare a plan for the long warming. That way it isn’t as horrible as it was then to people and can help other countries so they don’t go through the same events.

2.Fagan talk about a town that was built by a river. The town’s population was more than the town could handle; however, they still managed to prosper and grow. Then the Medieval warming arrived and the large population became problem. Then one day the town was empty, all the citizens were nowhere to be seen and the town was deserted.
3. “The Silent Elephant in the Room” could mean something so big, like an elephant, but is so quiet that no one hears it coming. Just as global warming is a huge change yet people didn’t see it coming.